Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm ba-ack!

Well, after several months I've decided to dust off the blog and give it another shot. So, what's my excuse for abandoning my blog. Ah, um, well, not sure. Maybe I was busy at school. Maybe I was busy with the ever taller little boy and his various activities. Or maybe it was a certain social networking site that has taken up my computer time as of late. The important thing is, I'm back. So, here's what's been happening:
-trips to Yosemite in October (it was COLD, we had snow, then went back to being warm after we left) and St. Louis (no snow, some rain, some cold, some warm, weird Midwest weather.)
-learning about the wonderful world of Wii. We got one for Christmas and are learning how much work a video game can be.
-battling ants over and over and over again. They are probably co-habitating with us and think they have kitchen privileges. I learned that they won't go though baby powder and that we have lots of tiny holes in our house. Thank God for caulk!
-Besides teaching part time, I have been working on my business, helping people live greener, healthier, wealthier lives.
Okay, there it life and ways to be green.

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