Thursday, March 19, 2009


So, tomorrow is the first day of Spring. We can now look forward to longer, warmer days, trees coming back to life, and Spring cleaning.(Look for more on Spring cleaning in a future post.) There are 2 things around the house that I really look forward to in the Spring. One is opening up windows and letting the fresh air in. I know that the air inside my house gets a little stale, especially as the winter wears on. Not to mention the bad stuff coming from carpets, paint, and other off-gassing in the average house. So, I enjoy a nice warm day when I can open windows and air out the house. Out with the bad, in with the good.
The other thing I look forward to in Spring is hanging my laundry out to dry. I just came in from hanging my first load. First, I am saving energy by not using my dryer. Second, my clothes will last longer from not spinning around in the dryer. Third, I just like being outside, getting a little fresh air myself. Now, I don't have a big yard and have had to be creative with where I've put my clothesline, but it can be done. I can hang up one load at a time with the space I have.
So, give it a try. Get some fresh air and save a little money, too.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Shocking Statistic

I read a shocking statistic the other day. Now, we all know that Americans don't always lead the healthiest of lifestyles. We are over stressed, we don't exercise like we should, we don't eat like we should, we don't always take our vitamins. And we know that many diseases are preventable with lifestyle changes. We, as adults, get that, but don't always act on it. Okay, here is what I read the other day:
Children born in 2000 or later represent the 1st generation in American history that are not likely to outlive their parents due to poor diet, too little exercise, and future likely lifestyle choices.
What?! I have a son born in 2000. He and his friends are part of that statistic. For many generations we have seen the quality and length of life keep increasing. Now, it seems it is decreasing. Why? Because we are feeding our kids too much junk and they are not exercising like they should. As parents, we should be outraged at this. We should do whatever we can to change this dismal statistic and get our kids back on track.
So, what are you willing to do? Stop driving through for fast food? Make more home-cooked wholesome meals? Use more whole grains? Serve more fruits and vegetables? Look into high quality nutritional supplements? Look into organics? Look at ourselves and our own dietary and exercise habits? We all need to do something. Today. This needs to be a priority in our family's lives.

What are you willing to do?