Monday, September 15, 2008


We've all heard about reduce, reuse, recycle, right? I've taught this to kids many times and it usually goes something like this...We all know how to recycle by putting things in the recycle bin. Can we think about ways to reuse things. Maybe writing on the back side of paper or using an old coffee can to collect pennies or to keep pencils. And reduce, uh, well, maybe buy things with less packaging? That's always the hard one for me, reduce. I was thinking about this again the other day and realized that I am already doing 2 reduce things every day. Who knew? We switched to cloth napkins awhile ago. I thought it would save our napkins from ending up a landfill somewhere. That's reduce. I haven't bought paper napkins in over a year. The other thing I started doing was to stop buying so many bottles of water and start drinking filtered tap water. Here's a great water pitcher to buy. Again, reduce! I guess its easier than I thought. Find your own ways to reduce. Have fun!

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