Sunday, June 8, 2008


Well, summer vacation is finally upon us. I know that for many parents, summer can strike fear into their hearts. What will they do with the kids being home all this time? Where will they stay while the parents are at work? But, for a teacher like me, summer still holds the same allure of long lazy days relaxing that it did when I was a kid. You know what they say about the three best things about being a teacher...June, July, and August. So far, my first day of summer looks like this: Sleep in, do a little laundry (yes, the laundry doesn't take the summer off) maybe take Matthew miniature golfing, have some lunch, sit by the pool, have a glass of wine, make dinner, watch some TV, go to bed. That's the life. Other summer highlights so far:
- Matthew will go to Cub Scout camp. Its a day camp that I helped with last year but am taking this year off. It is a great time for little boys. Hiking, crafts, shooting BB guns, telling gross jokes, rolling around in dust and mud, getting sprayed off by a fire engine. What else could they want?
-Our church is having Vacation Bible School, which, coincidentally, is the same week as Cub Scout camp.
-We will make our yearly trek to Oregon. We will spend some time on the coast, some time in Portland with Joel's family, and possibly some time in central Oregon. We are still in negotiations over camping vs. hotel. I like to be in a place that has flush toilets. I don't think that's too much to ask. I'll let you know how that turns out.
-Hopefully, we will get Matthew into swimming lessons again this year. Maybe take him to hit a few golf balls, too.
On a related summer note, I am on a church softball team that plays in a city league. We finally won our first game of the year! Yeah! As many ball players do, we will make sure that next time we play, the same spectators are there and we are considering not washing the clothes we were wearing.
Happy summer everyone!

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